Pest Control Services |
dna Termite Control |
Why Termite Control?
The most familiar termite damage is to the wooden fabric of buildings,Papers and furniture. Various earth-dwelling species, tunnel underground from their nests and enter the building through its foundations or any wooden part in contact with the ground. To obtain the wood for their food they make extensive tunnels through the structures, weakening them and eventually causing their collapse. Since the insects make no openings to the outside, or do so only at an advanced stage of the invasion, the owner is frequently unaware of their presence until it is too late.
Why dna Termite control services?
Because we are the experts, we understand these pests & your needs properly and use best technology available in the world to control these pests. And the last but not the least your satisfaction is our major concern.
This treatment is for the management of Termites i.e. Subterranean (ground nesting) termites. The treatment is based on the Principle "To create continuous chemical barrier beneath building structure to prevent / cure it from Termites' infestation".
Mode of Treatment : Pre-Construction Anti Termite and Post-Construction Anti Termite are two different types of treatments.
Frequency : Initial comprehensive treatment followed by annual check ups till the contract last.
We have also termite treatment by latest piping method. |
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dna Cockroach Control |
Why Cockroach Control?
Because Cockroaches are potential mechanical vectors of many diseases and have been shown to be capable of harbouring the pathogens that cause urinary tract infections, conjunctivitis, pneumonia, wound infections, and food poisoning. Pathogens may be spread by oral or focal contact, or by cockroaches walking across surfaces or through food. Given the opportunity, cockroaches will also feed on human tissue, secretions and hair, resulting in direct contact with humans and possible direct transmission of pathogens. Major health-related problems caused by cockroaches include asthma and allergies. |
Why dna Cockroach Control Services?
Because we are the experts, we understand these pests & your needs properly and use best technology available in the world to control these pests. And the last but not the least your satisfaction is our major concern.
This treatment is for the management of cockroaches (American/German). The treatment is based on the use of best available technology in the world gel baiting in dry places and Spray at wet places. |
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dna Bird Control |
We have seprate team for Bird Netting service at your house, flat, factory, to protect unwanted birds entry. |
dna Rodent Control |
Why Rodent Control?
Rodent Management is must because of two major reasons. 1st the are carriers of pathogens of various diseases like Plague, Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS), Murine typhus (caused by infection with R. typhi), Rat-bite fever (RBF), Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium, Leptospirosis & Eosinophilic Meningitis etc. And 2nd due to physical damage they can do due to their gnawing habit. They can cut electric wires and shut down whole work in the offices, may become a reason of short circuits in electric panels etc. Else than it they may directly damage any item from food to paper to plastic to metal sheets etc even. |
< We have also german technologies based rodent repellent device
Why dna Rodent Control?
Because we are the experts, we understand these pests & your needs properly and use best technology available in the world to control these pests. And the last but not the least your satisfaction is our major concern.
The treatment is for the management of rodents i.e. rats, mice, bandicoots at your locations.
Mode of Treatment : The treatment is based on integrated approach to control rodent in three steps.
1st Burrow Treatment : Control the Rodent in their burrows itself by doing burrow treatment in open / lawn area. This will help in reducing the major of Rodents and even restricting them to the burrows itself,
2nd Poison Baiting : Placement of rodent baits in tamperproof bait stations all along external periphery of the premises. But one precaution to be taken while fixing bait stations along external periphery, and that is, the bait station must be placed 40-50 ft. away from any door opening,
And 3rd Rodent Catching : Placement of Glue traps and / or wire cages along walls inside the premises. These units should be placed close to doors and other openings into an area from where rats and mice are likely to enter inside the building. Spacing of this units is to be determined on practical feasibility.
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dna fly control services |
Why Fly control?
There are many bacteria and parasites that infest flies and making flies a major factor in spreading many diseases by touching surfaces with their legs or their saliva. After walking on much excrement, flies may carry up to as many as 6 million bacteria on their feet. So be wary of foods that have been touched by a fly! Here are some important diseases (Conjunctivitis, Poliomyelitis, Typhoid Fever, Tuberculosis, Anthrax, Leprosy, Cholera, Diarrhea and Dysentery etc) some flies are known to help spread. |
Why dna fly control?
Because we are the experts, we understand these pests & your needs properly and use best technology available in the world to control these pests. And the last but not the least your satisfaction is our major concern.
This treatment is for the management of pests such as houseflies, flesh flies and gnats. Certain larvae of blowflies, bottle flies and flesh flies may feed on dead as well as living tissue of mammals, causing blood poisoning & contamination. The treatment has to be decided as per the surrounding conditions of each location. |
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dna Bed Bugs Control Services |
Why Bed Bug Control?
Bed Bugs are cosmopolitan pests, attacking all, whether hygiene plays a role or not. They are hitch-hikers and very common in public transport, hospitals, theatres, hotels, hostels, etc. They move from place to place along with people's clothes and baggage. During the day, bed bugs hide in tiny cracks and crevices and feed on human blood at night. Since they are mostly found in beds they are aptly named 'Bed Bugs'. |
Why dna Bed Bugs Control?
Because we are the experts, we understand these pests & your needs properly and use best technology available in the world to control these pests. And the last but not the least your satisfaction is our major concern.
This treatment is for the management of Bed Bugs. |
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dna Lizard Control Services |
Why Lizard Control?
Lizards are pests simply by their presence indoors; they do not live or infest indoor areas, but come in from surrounding vegetation. These animals may contaminate products. Lizards are common pests in buildings that are surrounded by vegetation or are close to areas of dense and shaded plants. There are several different types that naturally occur around houses and other buildings, they may be a pest according to the season or geographic reason. |
Why dna Lizard Control?
Because we are the experts, we understand these pests & your needs properly and use best technology available in the world to control these pests. And the last but not the least your satisfaction is our major concern.
This treatment is for the management of Lizards. |
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dna Spider Control Services |
Why Spider Control?
Spiders are prevalent at wall / ceiling junctions & corners. Certain species of spiders are highly venomous and may even produce a lethal bite. All spiders produce venom that is poisonous to their normal prey of insects, mites and other arthropods. Venom is injected through the hollow fangs to immobilize the prey. They build webs, which are unsightly and gather dust. They can contaminate product. |
Why dna Spider Control? |
Because we are the experts, we understand these pests & your needs properly and use best technology available in the world to control these pests. And the last but not the least your satisfaction is our major concern.
This treatment is for the management of spiders. |
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dna Wood Borer Control |
Why Wood Borer Control?
Wood Borers found in untreated or unfinished wood products; larvae bore through wood and can cause extensive damage to wooden furniture inside your home. Typical sign of infestation is the presence of numerous fine holes with fine powdery sawdust falling out. Infestation in finished wood means that the insect was already in the wood (as egg or larva); emerging adults usually re-infest by laying eggs in their own exit holes. |
Why dna Wood Borer Control?
Because we are the experts, we understand these pests & your needs properly and use best technology available in the world to control these pests. And the last but not the least your satisfaction is our major concern.
This treatment is for the management of wood borer, powder post beetle & dry wood termites. |
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dna Mosquito Control |
Why Mosquito Control?
In India, malaria, filaria and dengue are the most prevalent diseases spread by mosquitoes. Over two million cases of malaria alone are reported. Even more astonishing is the fact that India spends 100 million dollars on malaria. In spite of spending so much, the diseases continue to explode from time to time. The reason is that these mosquitoes develop resistance to medicines and chemicals. Hence fighting mosquitoes and the diseases spread by them is a continuous process. Eradication of mosquitoes is the only way to protect mankind. |
The mosquito borne diseases are no more down market diseases, since you find them in boardroom, in the lifts, in the cars, in the theatres, in the golf clubs, etc. However it is also not to be forgotten that mosquitoes and mosquito borne diseases are the result of low hygiene and sanitation in the down market areas and poor insect control in the up market areas.
Why dna mosquito Control?
Because we are the experts, we understand these pests & your needs properly and use best technology available in the world to control these pests. And the last but not the least your satisfaction is our major concern.
This treatment is for the management of mosquitoes (Aedes / Anopheles / Culex).
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dna Prophylactic Control |
Why Prophylactic Treatment? |
Post harvest storage of food grains attract infestation of many stored grain pests and Prophylactic treatment with approved pesticide in alleyways, on the surface of gunny bags and on walls of warehouses reduces the chances of more breeding and multiplication of these insects before periodical fumigation activity is carried out. |
Why dna Prophylactic Treatment? |
Because we are the experts, we understand these pests & your needs properly and use best technology available in the world to control these pests. And the last but not the least your satisfaction is our major concern.
This treatment is intended for preventing stored grain insect pests from cross infesting the food grains stored in open plinths / open sheds / godowns / silo's etc. These can come crawling from outside the premises. |
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dna Fumigation Services(Under process) |
What is Fumigation?
Application of any chemical in a gaseous state in a gas tight enclosure to kill insect and other pests.
What are different types of Fumigation Services we offer?
DNA Stacks fumigation services
DNA container fumigation |
What is Fumigant?
Any chemical at a particular temperature and pressure can exist in gaseous state in sufficient concentration and for sufficient time to be lethal to insect and other pests.
What are different types of Fumigants we use?
Aluminum phosphide Methyl bromide
Why Fumigation?
Post harvest storage of food grains attracts infestation of many stored grain insect pests and fumigation is the only option to kill these insect pests.
Why dna Fumigation?
Because we are the experts, we understand these pests & your needs properly and use best technology available in the world to control these pests. And the last but not the least your satisfaction is our major concern.
This treatment is intended for preventing stored grain insect pests from infesting the food grains stored in bags / silo's etc. |
dna Termite Control
The most familiar termite damage is to the wooden fabric of buildings, Papers & furniture. |
dna Cockroach Control
Because Cockroaches are potential mechanical vectors of many diseases and have been... |
dna Rodent Control
Rodent Management is must because of two major reasons. 1st the are carriers of... |
dna Wood Borer Control
Wood Borers found in untreated or unfinished wood products; larvae bore... |
dna Fly control
There are many bacteria and parasites that infest flies and making flies a major factor... |
dna Bed Bugs Control
Bed Bugs are cosmopolitan pests, attacking all, whether hygiene plays a role or not. |
dna Fumigation Services
Application of any chemical in a gaseous state in a gas tight enclosure to kill insect... |